Selected Poems

All I Know

A poem by David E. Young


It's hard to write a poem,

Or lyric, or a rhyme,

When thinking to describe

A woman so sublime.

How can I explain

The feelings that I feel?

It seems much like a dream,

And yet, it's very real.

Excited, yes; scared too,

Yet also strangely calm;

Content, yet wanting more;

Bursting out with psalm!

But also feeling as if

I've had too much already;

That I don't deserve such wonderments,

And yet, I'm strangely steady.

Why don't I write like I used to

Of just how I feel?

I feel so much  so tangled, jumbled,

Yet so ordered, it's surreal.

I do not know if words exist

To tell of what I feel.

All I know is that I love you

With an unbreakable seal!

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الشاعر و النحات

راضي عبد الجواد

Radi Abd El Jawad

 زوروا معرض الفنان

راضي عبد الجواد

استطلاع الرأي- نسيم السنديان الثقافية-
هل الأنظمة العربية أقل إجراماً من الأمريكان في أبو غريب

ليس هناك إجرام للأنظمة العربية
هناك جرائم و لكن ليس بهذا المستوى
- لا أدري -ربّما
لا بل أكثر بشاعة
إجرام الأنظمة العربية يفوق التصوّر

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