Founded in 1991 in the  Arab town, Um Al Fahem by some Arab poets and  artists  whose literary works  and  art pieces reflect their commitment to their national cause .The society's members have remarkably initiated / and shared in so  many cultural activities all  over the country, including those held in other Jewish towns  and  cities. The founding members have showed talents  well -acknowledged and highly-appreciated by local critics.
Most outstanding among them was the Late Poet
Suhail Saleem , the society's ex- Chairman, who died on 2nd January, 1998 , at the age of 60, after struggling hard against cancer .The Late Suhail Saleem
has left behind him a legacy of three poetry books, a play , a short stories' collection and a heavy burden for his colleagues to carry on.


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الشاعر و النحات

راضي عبد الجواد

Radi Abd El Jawad

 زوروا معرض الفنان

راضي عبد الجواد

استطلاع الرأي- نسيم السنديان الثقافية-
هل الأنظمة العربية أقل إجراماً من الأمريكان في أبو غريب

ليس هناك إجرام للأنظمة العربية
هناك جرائم و لكن ليس بهذا المستوى
- لا أدري -ربّما
لا بل أكثر بشاعة
إجرام الأنظمة العربية يفوق التصوّر

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