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Um Al Fahem :

Over the years

 * A great small town.

*Connected to the roots and looking forward to the future.

*An Arab town in the Little Triangle handed over to Israel by Jordan as part of the Rhodes Agreement in 1949.

*Almost 30 miles to the east south of Haifa.

*Its residents came from the Nearby "Al-Lajjon" evaccuated and destroyed by Israel during the 1948 War.

*The second biggest Arab population within the so-called "Green Line ", having about 40,000 inhabitants. Most of its manpower –like most of the Arab populations- work in construction and “black” work services.




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الشاعر و النحات

راضي عبد الجواد

Radi Abd El Jawad

 زوروا معرض الفنان

راضي عبد الجواد

استطلاع الرأي- نسيم السنديان الثقافية-
هل الأنظمة العربية أقل إجراماً من الأمريكان في أبو غريب

ليس هناك إجرام للأنظمة العربية
هناك جرائم و لكن ليس بهذا المستوى
- لا أدري -ربّما
لا بل أكثر بشاعة
إجرام الأنظمة العربية يفوق التصوّر

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  Home. Copyright is to the author of this site Radi Abd El Jawad. Any misuse of the materials here will be subject to copyright violation legislations. E-mail.. This site was lately revised on June 01, 2004