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  ترجمة لقصيدة "ملامح الفجر"

للشاعر راضي عبد الجواد التي كُتِبت أصلاً بالإنجليزية 


Radi Abd El Jawad's Poem

Features of Dawn        


Why don't you weep while in the cage

The slaughterer cuts your leather?            

Why don't you feel so much of rage

Why does the beam not look bitter?


Full of the festers in shackle,

You see the features of the dawn

And when the owl croaks you chuckle                                  

As if delighted by the tone


But when the tormentor derides

You sulk in anger and defy

And when the whip so harshly hides

You give the answer to the "why"


That's all because he'll have to pay

And every yoke will die away.


Here is what I received from Howrd Ely about this poem getting into the International  Poetry Contest : 

Radi, your poem was selected for publication, and as a contest semi-finalist, on the basis of your unique talent and artistic vision. We believe it will add to the importance and appeal of this edition. In this regard, you are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee, any subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind. Of course, many people do wish to own a copy of the anthology in which their artistry appears. If this is the case, we welcome your order--and guarantee your satisfaction. If you would like to order the deluxe hardbound anthology in our "Letters from the Soul Series", featuring your poem "Features of Dawn," please make your selections below…."

Howard Ely

 "ملامح الفجر"


ِلِمَ لا تبكي بينما أنتَ في القفص

الجزّارُ يَسلَخُ جِلدَكَ

لِمَ لا تشعرُ بكثيرٍ من الغضب؟

لِمَ لا تبدو بسمتُكَ مُرّةً؟


مع أنكَ مليئُ بالدماملِ و أنتَ في القيدِ

إلاّ أنّكَ ترى ملامِحَ الفجرِ

و عندما ينعقُ البومُ فَإنكَ تُقَأقئُ كدجاجةٍ

و كأنكَ مسرورٌ من اللحنِ


و لكن عندما يهزَأُ بكَ المُعَذِبُ

فإنّكَ تُكَشِّرُ بغضبٍ و تتحدّى

و عندما يجلدُكَ السَّوْطُ

فَإنكَ تعطي جواباً على " لِمَ؟"

ذلكَ كلُّهُ لأنهُ سوف يدفعُ الثمنَ

  و لأنّ كلّ نيرٍ سوف يزولُ 



الشاعر و النحات

راضي عبد الجواد

Radi Abd El Jawad

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  Home. Copyright is to the author of this site Radi Abd El Jawad. Any misuse of the materials here will be subject to copyright violation legislations. E-mail.. This site was lately revised on February 27, 2004